I had the opportunity to take some instructional technology professional development workshops during the semester and I am amazed by all the different types of technology that can be utilized by teachers. I think that technology integration is an important part of being an effective teacher. I've learned how to blog with students, how to use digital storytelling in the classroom, and how to utilize Google docs for group projects (and countless other uses). I'll be the first to admit that when I walked into my student teaching classroom and saw an overhead projector and an ancient TV, I thought I would have very little use for technology in my classroom, but to my surprise, the lack of a Smartboard has challenged me to be more creative and try new instructional technology. The article I read listed a number of brilliant things that teachers can do with technology.
· empower kids with technology
· use technology as a propellant, not as a crutch
· create assessments that rigorously determine the quality of projects enhanced with technology
· find and use resources, if what you need doesn’t exist………….create it.
· use your blog, website, and email to communicate with parents
· weekly plans and upcoming important events (tests, projects, etc.) get posted toblog
· update available resources on the blog to connect with my lessons
· put kids in touch with the world
· accept the role of co-learner
· use kids’ own devices to better teach them
The article suggests that our students can be our best teachers when it comes to technology. I've witnessed some amazing presentations that would not have been possible without students using their personal iPads. Finally, delight in the discovery, the newness, and the fun that technology has to offer. The article reminds us that technology can't make a poor teacher a good one, but it can help make great teachers the ones that students remember.
I feel very comfortable with using different kinds of technology in the classroom because my cooperating teacher expected me to jump in with both feet. Learning about Google Docs and how to integrate it into a class has been great for me. (Think digital peer-editing! Even online reading quizzes through Google forms!) How do you feel about the use of technology in the classroom? As the author of this article says in his conclusion…………….Do you think the use of technology has the ability to transform you from a great teacher to a memorable one? What are you biggest concerns or challenges when it comes to using technology in the classroom? Do you think technology has helped you during your student teaching experience?